March 21, 2009

It was (is) Awesome!

August 31, 2007

Okay, I am just getting lazy and am going to post some pictures from our wedding day and a couple of my bridal pictures. Don't judge me too hard, I worked until 0330 the night before, I was a little tired. It was a perfect day and the pictures do a good job portraying that. Enjoy the pictures. I did the pictures up Provo Canyon by Sundance and then at the State Mental Hospital...they should have admitted me.
These last couple of pictures were done at the Temple. It was a good day.

This was dinner up at the Silver Fork Lodge.

Don't worry, I have plenty more pictures if anybody wants to see...hahaha. Can anybody explain to me how to do a slide would save a lot of space on here...


Scott said...

I love the pictures, I hadn't seen these ones yet. Post more! You can try setting up a picasa account, I think you can put a slide show on your blog that way...

Come back to Salt Lake soon

Chels said...

I LOVE all of these pictures! I love, love, LOVE the picture of you and Luke all alone with the marble of the temple behind I LOVE that you and I got the most air on that jump :) and thanks for posting the picture of me, you and Meg, I truly love that picture. We sure do look sassy :) Oh, and can you send me that picture of all of us jumping? I LOVE IT! You are stunning Ford, for reals. You just are.