January 18, 2009

The Week Before the Big Day!

Wedding Party - August 24, 2007

While trying to plan for this big event, it took a lot of time and effort. I was sure glad when it was all done and over with. At the same time, I was sad. It was so much fun just relaxing and having a good time with Luke, family, and friends. Luke and I were both against having a huge reception with a line and everything so we decided to go in the opposite direction. The week before we got married, we decided to have a party in the park in place of a reception. Where Luke grew up there is an amphitheater and it was the perfect place.

The morning started out with us setting up the park. The Shelton's all pitched in to get it all set up so it would be perfect. My favorite part of the set up was the lights that we hung over the stage. It took so much work but in the end it looked so good. Luke spent a lot of time making these massive photo boards. We decided that instead of doing a video, we would just put up a bunch of pictures from our lives. It was a fun idea, but after the hours of scanning in old photos, it wasn't so much fun anymore. In the end, it turned out like we thought it would though. Candace was our fabulous photographer. Thanks so much for taking such good pictures.

Everything was perfect. We had lots of good food, good fun, and hung out with a lot of fun people. I had to make sure that I kept Luke away from the sign in book because we put on display some of the pictures that Candace did of me in my dress in Jackson. Luke was good though and he didn't peak. One of my favorite parts of the night was talking to some of Luke's neighbors. Luke had kept the location of our honeymoon a huge secret. It was a week before our wedding and I still had no idea where we were going. Luke was going to have my sisters help me pack so I would know what to wear. Meanwhile, we are chatting with these neighbors and I hear "You guys are going to love Cancun!" And just like that, the secret is out! I felt so bad for Luke. He worked so hard to keep it a secret. I guess to keep it interesting, I still didn't know where we were staying in Salt Lake or in Cancun. The rest of the evening consisted of eating, talking, bacci ball out in the grass, music, dancing, did I mention the food? The night was a huge success. Again since I can't figure out how to do a sideshow, I am just going to put up some of the pictures.

This is Gordon, and and my good lookin' fiance!
This is me finding out where I am going on our honeymoon...

The view from the bocci ball court

Yes, my Dad actually helped out.
Us up on the dance floor. Notice the cool lights up overhead.
It was a great night. Next, the actual Big Day!


Mike and Alecia said...

Jessica it was so good to hear from you. It's been years! You and your husband are so cute, it looks like your having lot of fun together. I'm excited to you and all the other cousins in a couple weeks.

Cody and Lindz said...

Um, hello sunshine! I can't believe I happened upon your blog! Super cute pics! I am looking forward to when you update!