September 2, 2010

Where Have I Been?

So, I will start off with a funny story.  Luke and I were driving towards the mountains the other day and I decided to tell him about the funny dream that I had.  I proceed to tell him how in my dream he was leaving for school and before he walked down the stairs, he told me that I should update my blog.  He then told me that that wasn't a dream.  I guess he told me that when I was in my sleep drunk phase and I just assumed it was a dream because I just didn't see my husband encouraging me to blog.  Okay, maybe it isn't that funny of a story, but it got me here didn't it?  I realized I haven't done anything on here in almost a year!  Wow, a lot has happened in this past year.  Everything ranging from going to Europe to visit Turkey, Greece, and Italy to quitting my job and moving to Colorado so that Luke can start medical school.  It has been lots of fun, and hopefully I will get more posts up here soon.